Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This American Life

What should be day 5 ;)
February 03, 2010 Project 365 should be renamed Project Sporadic.

My sweetheart lives (for now) some 2000 miles away from me. Yeah, it can be difficult, but after almost four years of doing the long-distance thing we've pretty much got it down. One thing that we both love is mail--though he is much better about the sending of mail than I. My latest bit o' love arrived today with his copy of TAL (seasons 1 & 2). I have some mad love for Ira Glass and all things TAL so the squee factor on this one was high.

What can I say? My boy knows me all too well...:)



  1. Cake please.

    Man, my friend Carol goes on and on about Ira Glass. Okay, that's it, I'm renting TAL. Thanks, Karyn.

  2. TAL is a necessity to life.

    And cake should always be preferable to death. I shall send some immediately. Cake--that is--not death. ;)


Cake or Death?