Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mic Check--One, Two, One, Two...

Is this thing on?


I am so awful at this--the first post.  Every blog I have ever maintained (and there have been a number of them, let me tell you) struggled with "First Post Phobia".  I mean, this is it.  It's like a first date in the blog world.  Fuck this up and no one may ever read again.  That's a lot of pressure.  I suppose that's ok.  Quite honestly, I am still unsure of my intentions for this blog.  I have a wordpress blog that is fairly private and dates back quite some time (I use it to blog and consolidate old posts from blogs I no longer keep), but there is so much history there--my daughter's autism diagnosis, the dissolution of my marriage, the struggles to keep it all together as a single mom, the beginnings of my relationship with J...it's pretty weighty stuff.  And while I embrace the past, and all I have learned and the paths to which it led me, my daily (near daily, semi-frequently?) musings about the my life seem to deserve their own space.

So, this is it.  The first post in my new space.  The rest will most likely focus on our everyday lives.  They may be spicy and filled with explicatives or rather mundane postings of random recipes or things I have found and feel like sharing.  Mostly, it is a space for me to keep some sort of record of what becomes of the days that seem to slip by with an alarming rapidity.  Feel free to read and comment.  New friends are always welcome. :)


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